There are four different ways to make your own buttermilk, and the best method for you what you need, hang, and the time you need.
The use of the first two methods described below, you can make your own buttermilk in 10 minutes or less. The other two methods require more.
If you want to buy real cultured buttermilk, which is what you do in the store, it will take about 24 hours to complete, and you must start with a culture of active whey milk or a cup of real milk whey culture.
But if I have the buttermilk, I would not do on my own buttermilk!
Absolutely true. So, if you want a recipe for buttermilk and butter you need in this time, calls are looking for, there are a few things you can do.
The main reason for the call counter whey provides external bitter taste and thick creamy milk serum, is the acid. The acid in the whey is a by-product of fermentation and baking soda or baking powder, whereby the bread or muffins or pancakes will be activated on the rise.
If this is what you need, you have two options to choose from.
How fast buttermilk (Method 1):
This is a very simple process. Just add a tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar in a cup of milk, and let stand at room temperature for about ten minutes. If you have more than a cup, keep the same proportions. For two cups, use two cups of milk and two tablespoons of lemon juice or vinegar.As I mentioned above, this method will not give you a real cultured buttermilk instead of acidified serum. This means that you can use in a cookie recipe or pancakes or something acid and baking powder or baking soda, as it should be activated.
How fast buttermilk (Method 2 n):
Even a very simple method. Take only ¾ cup of yogurt or sour cream and ¼ cup thin milk (or plain water). This will make a cup of "buttermilk", though, as in the first method, is not a true milk serum, but is a suitable substitute in any recipe be whey.If you are not in a hurry, or if you. Simply interested in the process, here are two ways to make your own cultured buttermilk In contrast to the two methods described above, which simply contain an acid to curdle the milk and let the methods described below will give you the truth, cultured buttermilk.
How true culture whey (Method # 3):
The best way to make your own cultured butter serum is if you. Already have some cultured buttermilk on hand Here are the steps:- Start with ¾ cup (6 oz) cultured buttermilk in a glass a clean liter. Add 3 cups of whole milk. It does not help if the buttermilk is cool, because I live cultured buttermilk are in the serum of fresh milk longer active.
- Seal the glass firmly, give it a good shake, mix well and let stand at room temperature, such as in the kitchen for 24 hours. The ideal temperature is 70 to 77 ° C. At the top of the refrigerator can be a good place.
- After 24 hours, the buttermilk where you want thickened to coat the inside of the glass, and have a nice spicy flavor. To cool in the refrigerator or use immediately, and save it in the refrigerator, where it will keep for several weeks. Repeat the process as many times as you want, when you get the last 6-8 ounces of buttermilk.
Or you can buy a quart of buttermilk and mix with a liter of milk to produce five liters of buttermilk.
The good thing about this method is that you can repeat the process and theoretically never run out of whey again. But you should ensure that you use buttermilk as a starter is always fresh.
How true culture whey (method # 4):
You can buy butter active cultures, usually lyophilized, and use them to make your own serum, essentially by combining culture with whole milk and let stand for 12 to 24 hours, as in Method no. 3 above. As with method 3, you can repeat this method, with the last drop of whey to start the next batch.See also: What is the cream?
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